Embrace Food Freedom

If you're here, you're probably not feeling great about your relationships with food and your body. And you've either tried remedies that didn't work, or you're seeking help for the first time. 

Either way, congratulations! Because by reading this, you've already taken your first step toward putting all of that behind you and becoming the happiest, healthiest person you know. 

My name is Rebecca Capps, and I healed from my own life-threatening eating disorder to become a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist* & Wellness Coach. I know what works and what doesn't, and I have empowered countless others to completely transform their lives.

Mind-Body Thrive™ is an online platform of innovative and dynamic self-paced programs based on proven methods for cultivating a healthy relationship with food and body.

You deserve to feel confident and in control of your body and life. If you're ready, I'll be your devoted champion and expert guide. 

Let's do this.


Rebecca Capps, MA, MFT

"Feel Happy and Healthy in Mind and Body
So You Can Thrive in Life"

As Featured In...

Work with me.

Work with me privately via one-on-one teleconference for a deeply healing and personalized transformation to complete food and body freedom.

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Bring your mind and body back into balance with the MBT signature program. Heal the root of your wounds and build a healthier relationship with food and your body.*

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(From Former Coaching Clients)

"Working with Rebecca has been a deeply transformative experience for me. I came to her with years of emotional eating and negative self-talk, and she helped me uncover the root causes of these issues and develop healthier patterns. Her compassionate and insightful approach made me feel seen and supported throughout the process. I can now enjoy food without guilt and appreciate my body for all it does for me."

- Lindsey

"I am a new person through working with Rebecca. Today, I have so much love and respect for my body, I no longer count calories, and I genuinely enjoy my wellness routine! I have struggled with food and addiction issues for my entire adult life. My constant struggle to please everyone took a toll on my well-being, so I used food and alcohol to cope. I now have the tools to effectively cope with whatever life hands me….and I no longer feel the need to please everyone. My decision to work with Rebecca was one of the best decisions of my life, and I am so grateful for her guidance."

- Audrey

"I am so grateful for the support and guidance I received from Rebecca. She created a safe, non-judgmental space where I felt heard, validated, and was given tangible skills to apply to my life. I can confidently say that I would highly recommend Rebecca’s services to anyone struggling with food and body image issues."

- Grace

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No problem. Let's jump on a call together to discuss your goals and how I can help you. 

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Published Articles

Building a Healthier Body Image

Helpful tips for how you can begin to build a healthier body image.


New Year’s Resolutions Resolved

A whopping 80% of New Year’s resolutions fizzle by February. But what if you reframed how you talked about failure (as not the opposite of success but a necessary prerequisite instead)?


Freedom From Emotional Eating

Learn what precisely emotional eating is, how to gauge if you’re doing it, and discuss a few ways you can start coping with your emotions more effectively.


10 Amazing Smoothie Bowl Recipes For Radiant Health

Are you short on time and looking for a way to pack more nutrients into your routine? These healthy smoothie bowl recipes are the perfect solution! They’re packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Enjoy!

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*Mind-Body Thrive LLC does not provide any licensed therapy services.
To reach Rebecca’s Marriage and Family Therapy website: CLICK HERE